Queen & Slim...should you see it?

/ 6:35 PM
I was hesitant to see this film. To be honest, the way it was sold to me and the comparison to Bonnie and Clyde did not appeal to me. I am glad I went but I wish it was either a take on Bonnie and Clyde or about racial disparity for blacks. The story was great but if you follow the story of Bonnie and Clyde, it made sense but the message was so much deeper than it was hard to compartmentalize.
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The actors were great, although as British actors played the major roles, I felt it would have been nice to give the American actors their shine. The race relations for blacks in the United States are different than that of the United Kingdom albeit disparate in both countries. I digress.
I am glad I was wrong about the actors, they took you on an emotional journey. The correlations were similar, Bonnie and Clyde were "on the run" traveling from Texas to Louisiana, Queen and Slim were traveling from Ohio, headed to Cuba but stopped in....yep, Louisiana. If this were not about "black Bonnie and Clyde" why did they title it with the woman's name first? Queen->Bonnie first and Slim->Clyde and not Slim and Queen? Directors don't just "happen to" do anything. They know when they created the title exactly how to leave bread crumbs to lead you in said direction. Also, Queen being shot in her thigh was reminiscent of Bonnie's third-degree burns from either battery acid or petrol fire.
Queen and Slim were great in that the movie got right to the main story as opposed to dragging it out. I found myself getting emotional at times. Like Clyde, Slim was heavily influenced by Queen. The director uses Tinder to explain why the two were together, we meet them mid-date, we didn't have an opening where she decides to swipe, then gets ready for a date, nervousness brought on from blind dates, the friend that encourages or discourages her, and so on. Nope, they've ordered, the food is brought out and that's where we meet the characters. Queen didn't score points and if I were Slim I would have left as soon as the meal was over because of her sidity and critical attitude towards a nice guy (blessing the food, trust God license plate, family-oriented). We learn that she must have gotten picked up from her house. Rule Violation #1 for blind dates. We know there is going to be the scene that becomes the plot if you will. I was triggered by the scene because it reminds us that in a gnat's eyelash to 2020, blacks are still treated unjustly by law enforcement and the system so we know that could be us, and society knows the system fails people of colour. This made me so angry because we can count incidents where blacks were minding their business eating ice cream or sitting on a couch and they are shot by an officer. We have an innate fear that is an unspoken systematic behavior. We encounter we can die. For instance, an officer passed me whilst waking my dog and drove slowly as he passed me as if he was looking for someone and wanted to see if I had the matching characteristics. Black girl, doesn't matter height or weight, he just needs an arrest then determines my innocence and my first thought is, "I hope someone has a phone and gets whatever may come of this on tape" because he could make any narrative to justify shooting me. I hate that this is the first thought rather than "Oh, a cop is looking for someone or someplace..." I digress again! See what this film does? You relate and have your own real-life situation from a movie that could not happen as much as it could happen.
So, like Bonnie, Queen has on a dress and heels. Bonnie had a limp, Queen has been grazed by a gunshot but she decides to pick a dress, almost a slip, and some high heeled boots. The actress was so good looking all I thought about was how I could not tell her anything with how her body, her walk, she was bad. We never learn Slim's real name or why he's got that moniker, but he picks a more realistic outfit, but he went through all that and his kicks were snow white. See, it's ridiculous but you are wanting more. "How are they just happen..." yet you are drawn in to see how the situation will work itself out. This all happens from a Tinder date? Really?! Give me more! The dynamics are too much. We see that each stop someone just happens to have a contact that will help them get to Cuba.
The scene with the white couple kept you guessing but so much happens you are following different situations simultaneously, "Will the white woman sell them out?" "They don't know where the hot spots to hide are located will they be able to hide?" Once you get through and exhale because they succeeded but then Bonnie dislocates her shoulder. What?! Oddly enough Slim just so happens to know just how to pop it back into place the first try, and we don't know why or how he obtained that skill, but here it comes, yay her shoulder is fixed but oh sh*t the cop heard her. There happens to be a garage with a car and no one's home apparently. God-fearing Christian Slim learned how to hotwire a car but we learn it was something he and his brother did to their parents. Black family mom and dad are married, no stereotypical black male with absent father here...Again, you get in your yay the car starts, they can get back on the road, Oh no! What's going to happen? The scene is deer in the headlights in the car, deer in the headlights opening the garage. The two parties are shocked and scared of each other but we get a reprieve. This never happens but I'm here for it! They luck out AGAIN... (now I understand people who hate-watch)
We are driving with the characters, who at each stop is recognized. How does everyone know who they are, minus insane white kid oblivious to the newspaper with Queen and Slim posted? If I'm in a club, and it's dark, I wouldn't recognize my own family. When would that happen? Exactly!
Like Bonnie and Clyde, they are Robin Hood and Romeo and Juliet to the public and idolized for their crime spree. Everyone loves an underdog.
Fast forward because this is getting out of hand and I find myself confused with my feelings. Oxymoron FTL! The finale comes, and although we see they are so close, within yards, of their goal, we know something is going to happen. At this point, we are captivated. We want to know how this is going to play out and what will be their legacy. Clyde was shot in the head and died before he felt it, according to an autopsy, in this version it is one bullet to Queen's chest. Okay, she's down, they have declared their love, taught each other how to love, have intense sex, and put their lives and fate in one another's hands, so is Clyde Slim going to run toward them shouting because they killed his soul mate, is he going to turn and run toward the plane. Uh-oh, he's picking up Queen and carrying her lifeless body as if he's going to hand a baby back to its mum. They ask him to stop and loose hands hooligan who accidentally shot Queen is where the camera pans as if he made eye contact with the cop who executed his soulmate, but he then looks at each and everyone as they hover in helicopters, barricade the landing strip and have their fingers on the trigger. We walk with him and are thinking, he knows he's going to die right now...he's sprayed with gunfire and the screen fades to black I'm waiting for credits to roll, but we see the "legacy" the couple had on the public. Gayle King reports on the story and recounts all the events, such as the protest, we see the uncle at the funeral, we see the white couple and then boom. We see the "friend" who had a friend with a plane counting the reward money, in cash. Noooo! It was one of us, the wife didn't do it. But why did this white man know Mr. Gold Teeth Smokin Blunts? How were they, friends? We learn the purpose of each character, we know why Queen goes to her uncle, we know why her uncle is friends with the man from the white couple, (didn't catch their names but of course, Chloë Sevigny
plays that character who just so happened to sell out Gypsy Rose) by that man and the sell out? Did they have a near-death experience or something so that they had faith in each other with such a serious and criminally compromising situation? Did the white guy have anything to do with their apprehension, because I never hated an actor as much as I do at this moment?
I left the theatre happy that I went, that I was wrong, but also sad and angry. Later I had an epiphany that I told my white uncle. "Uncle, I don't think I could feel 100% with a white partner" In my mind, there is so much that happens where I look at the white race resenting the fact I do things to make them feel comfortable in my presence, I speak differently to them than my own, that they can get angry and as a male not get arrested, and as a woman not be labeled as the angry....you get the picture. It's bad enough you don't know what neckbones, ham hocks, are and your collards and sweet potatoes taste like sh*t. You don't remember "new growth" and jerry curl juice but you want to tell me you should be able to say something. Always need to be telling us to accommodate you. You see the madness. Maybe people are right and I overthink too much because I seriously came home and wanted to get other reviews on Youtube so I could get a different perspective...
I was hesitant to see this film. To be honest, the way it was sold to me and the comparison to Bonnie and Clyde did not appeal to me. I am glad I went but I wish it was either a take on Bonnie and Clyde or about racial disparity for blacks. The story was great but if you follow the story of Bonnie and Clyde, it made sense but the message was so much deeper than it was hard to compartmentalize.
Google images
The actors were great, although as British actors played the major roles, I felt it would have been nice to give the American actors their shine. The race relations for blacks in the United States are different than that of the United Kingdom albeit disparate in both countries. I digress.
I am glad I was wrong about the actors, they took you on an emotional journey. The correlations were similar, Bonnie and Clyde were "on the run" traveling from Texas to Louisiana, Queen and Slim were traveling from Ohio, headed to Cuba but stopped in....yep, Louisiana. If this were not about "black Bonnie and Clyde" why did they title it with the woman's name first? Queen->Bonnie first and Slim->Clyde and not Slim and Queen? Directors don't just "happen to" do anything. They know when they created the title exactly how to leave bread crumbs to lead you in said direction. Also, Queen being shot in her thigh was reminiscent of Bonnie's third-degree burns from either battery acid or petrol fire.
Queen and Slim were great in that the movie got right to the main story as opposed to dragging it out. I found myself getting emotional at times. Like Clyde, Slim was heavily influenced by Queen. The director uses Tinder to explain why the two were together, we meet them mid-date, we didn't have an opening where she decides to swipe, then gets ready for a date, nervousness brought on from blind dates, the friend that encourages or discourages her, and so on. Nope, they've ordered, the food is brought out and that's where we meet the characters. Queen didn't score points and if I were Slim I would have left as soon as the meal was over because of her sidity and critical attitude towards a nice guy (blessing the food, trust God license plate, family-oriented). We learn that she must have gotten picked up from her house. Rule Violation #1 for blind dates. We know there is going to be the scene that becomes the plot if you will. I was triggered by the scene because it reminds us that in a gnat's eyelash to 2020, blacks are still treated unjustly by law enforcement and the system so we know that could be us, and society knows the system fails people of colour. This made me so angry because we can count incidents where blacks were minding their business eating ice cream or sitting on a couch and they are shot by an officer. We have an innate fear that is an unspoken systematic behavior. We encounter we can die. For instance, an officer passed me whilst waking my dog and drove slowly as he passed me as if he was looking for someone and wanted to see if I had the matching characteristics. Black girl, doesn't matter height or weight, he just needs an arrest then determines my innocence and my first thought is, "I hope someone has a phone and gets whatever may come of this on tape" because he could make any narrative to justify shooting me. I hate that this is the first thought rather than "Oh, a cop is looking for someone or someplace..." I digress again! See what this film does? You relate and have your own real-life situation from a movie that could not happen as much as it could happen.
So, like Bonnie, Queen has on a dress and heels. Bonnie had a limp, Queen has been grazed by a gunshot but she decides to pick a dress, almost a slip, and some high heeled boots. The actress was so good looking all I thought about was how I could not tell her anything with how her body, her walk, she was bad. We never learn Slim's real name or why he's got that moniker, but he picks a more realistic outfit, but he went through all that and his kicks were snow white. See, it's ridiculous but you are wanting more. "How are they just happen..." yet you are drawn in to see how the situation will work itself out. This all happens from a Tinder date? Really?! Give me more! The dynamics are too much. We see that each stop someone just happens to have a contact that will help them get to Cuba.
The scene with the white couple kept you guessing but so much happens you are following different situations simultaneously, "Will the white woman sell them out?" "They don't know where the hot spots to hide are located will they be able to hide?" Once you get through and exhale because they succeeded but then Bonnie dislocates her shoulder. What?! Oddly enough Slim just so happens to know just how to pop it back into place the first try, and we don't know why or how he obtained that skill, but here it comes, yay her shoulder is fixed but oh sh*t the cop heard her. There happens to be a garage with a car and no one's home apparently. God-fearing Christian Slim learned how to hotwire a car but we learn it was something he and his brother did to their parents. Black family mom and dad are married, no stereotypical black male with absent father here...Again, you get in your yay the car starts, they can get back on the road, Oh no! What's going to happen? The scene is deer in the headlights in the car, deer in the headlights opening the garage. The two parties are shocked and scared of each other but we get a reprieve. This never happens but I'm here for it! They luck out AGAIN... (now I understand people who hate-watch)
We are driving with the characters, who at each stop is recognized. How does everyone know who they are, minus insane white kid oblivious to the newspaper with Queen and Slim posted? If I'm in a club, and it's dark, I wouldn't recognize my own family. When would that happen? Exactly!
Like Bonnie and Clyde, they are Robin Hood and Romeo and Juliet to the public and idolized for their crime spree. Everyone loves an underdog.
Fast forward because this is getting out of hand and I find myself confused with my feelings. Oxymoron FTL! The finale comes, and although we see they are so close, within yards, of their goal, we know something is going to happen. At this point, we are captivated. We want to know how this is going to play out and what will be their legacy. Clyde was shot in the head and died before he felt it, according to an autopsy, in this version it is one bullet to Queen's chest. Okay, she's down, they have declared their love, taught each other how to love, have intense sex, and put their lives and fate in one another's hands, so is Clyde Slim going to run toward them shouting because they killed his soul mate, is he going to turn and run toward the plane. Uh-oh, he's picking up Queen and carrying her lifeless body as if he's going to hand a baby back to its mum. They ask him to stop and loose hands hooligan who accidentally shot Queen is where the camera pans as if he made eye contact with the cop who executed his soulmate, but he then looks at each and everyone as they hover in helicopters, barricade the landing strip and have their fingers on the trigger. We walk with him and are thinking, he knows he's going to die right now...he's sprayed with gunfire and the screen fades to black I'm waiting for credits to roll, but we see the "legacy" the couple had on the public. Gayle King reports on the story and recounts all the events, such as the protest, we see the uncle at the funeral, we see the white couple and then boom. We see the "friend" who had a friend with a plane counting the reward money, in cash. Noooo! It was one of us, the wife didn't do it. But why did this white man know Mr. Gold Teeth Smokin Blunts? How were they, friends? We learn the purpose of each character, we know why Queen goes to her uncle, we know why her uncle is friends with the man from the white couple, (didn't catch their names but of course, Chloë Sevigny
plays that character who just so happened to sell out Gypsy Rose) by that man and the sell out? Did they have a near-death experience or something so that they had faith in each other with such a serious and criminally compromising situation? Did the white guy have anything to do with their apprehension, because I never hated an actor as much as I do at this moment?
I left the theatre happy that I went, that I was wrong, but also sad and angry. Later I had an epiphany that I told my white uncle. "Uncle, I don't think I could feel 100% with a white partner" In my mind, there is so much that happens where I look at the white race resenting the fact I do things to make them feel comfortable in my presence, I speak differently to them than my own, that they can get angry and as a male not get arrested, and as a woman not be labeled as the angry....you get the picture. It's bad enough you don't know what neckbones, ham hocks, are and your collards and sweet potatoes taste like sh*t. You don't remember "new growth" and jerry curl juice but you want to tell me you should be able to say something. Always need to be telling us to accommodate you. You see the madness. Maybe people are right and I overthink too much because I seriously came home and wanted to get other reviews on Youtube so I could get a different perspective...
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source: Google Images
Lately, I cannot seem to get away from women commenting about other womens' hairline. It's quite annoying because *leans in* NOT EVERYONE HAS A THICK HAIRLINE!!!
When lace fronts were really popular around 2006-08, people were learning to "thin hairlines" on their wigs so that they resembled a natural hairline. I was born with a thick hairline, but it came with the 4 Z very coiled, wig like hair. I hated it, and thinned it as much as possible. If I didn't my hairline would blend into my eyebrows. I was thinking about my hairline the other day and wondered how many people think I have a love lorn possum or wig on my head. It's so thick it sometimes feels like I look like those cut outs at theme parks that you put your face in the whole and take a photo as someone else. Like a painting of Popeye and Olive Oil, but if you put your face in the hole it's you as the caricature. I walk around like that 24/7 so I have been looking into laser hair removal. It's expensive, but I'm so insecure because of the rise in sensitivity towards the care and density of women's hairline.
I understand the discussion about the supermodel with a balding hairline and I sympathize because her photos are splattered on social media, unlike when they used to put the black rectangle to hide the identity of the fashion, hair or whatever faux pas victim we just put people on blast.
There are things that can be done to regrow the hairline but if it's not in one's genetics, you're most likely buying snake oil.
Here are a few things that don't work. I would go so far as to say these are things that may be exacerbating the problem.
  1. Stop laying your edges! I know that it's the in thing to do, but why are all my naturals trying to have smooth relaxed looking edges? You see women tying their hair down to the point they cut the circulation. Leave them alone, stop putting products, brushing, and tying them down.
  2. Baby hair! We are bringing back 2009, and obsessed with baby hair again. I know of a few women who relax their edges to get the baby hair but how can you have baby hair and thick hairlines? 
  3. Stop the braids! You need to ease up on the braids, this is called traction alopecia. If you must wear a protective style, then get a wig or wear a turban or wrap long enough to allow the circulation or you may cause follicular damage to your hairline and that's not easy to undo.
There are some things that are easy, inexpensive and will help to recharge your hairline and, with patience, a few suggestions, you can have a thicker hairline by next season.

  1.  Massage your scalp! Scalp massage will stimulate circulation and help the blood flow back in the areas that were obstructed. You can do this in the evening prior to going to bed and if you can't find or afford a massager, use your hands. I've known some people to get success buy putting their head down and massaging whilst upside down.
  2. Massage Oils! Tea tree oil is said to be good if you have any follicular damage, infections, or scalp issues; however, there are oils that stimulate circulation such as cinnamon, pumpkin, avocado and other oils. Do research oils for hair growth/stimulation and understand it's trial and error so what works for some may not work the same for you.
  3. See a dermatologist or trichologist. There's nothing worse than trying to fix something that is broken. It's like when someone has a headache and they take aspirin only to find out they have migraines, or other serious head trauma. It's wise to see a specialist rather than play doctor. I cannot stress that enough! All the tips and tricks won't work if there is a serious underlying issue.
  4. Get a full check up! Have some tests run. I am severely anemic and require iron transfusions and medical shots because supplements don't work for my levels. You may have an hormone imbalance or something that causes your hair to fall. In addition, you can catch any illness early on if you choose to have a check up, and your body and mind will thank you.
  5. Hydration and silk. Water, water and more water. If you drink coffee, you're depleting your body of water, so for every cup of coffee have two waters or double the amount of water to whatever diuretic such as beer, alcohol etc. Protect your hair with silk as you replenish your body with water.
The process may seem  futile and there will be days that seem hopeless, but the construction and rebuilding of any foundation should be strong, sturdy and short of quick fixes. You can go the Minoxidil or Nioxin route, or take supplements like B Complex, Biotin, or whatever vitamin cocktail popular on the hair forums, but you will still need to modify your current habits to preserve any repair/regrowth.

Please let me know how you get on, this is something I am quite passionate about. For centuries black women have been lead to believe our hair was inferior, nappy and won't grow; we've been fed a lot of fallacies, but our hair grows, it has various densities, curl patterns and growth rates, but it's good and when taken care of, it's beautiful!

There's nothing worse than when I get clients that have been given misguided information and it results in their face looking like they let a child colour on their face. We'll call her Jane Q. Citizen. Jane comes to me with her makeup done stating she wants to look "more polished." I often ask clients to bring a photo that captures the look (not the model) they're going for. For instance, is polished, natural as in little make up or clean as is minimal but bold blips? "Like this girl" she says pointing to a well known Instagram makeup poster. "Huh.... so you want to look like you're wearing makeup?" She looks perplexed so she shows the video that she followed to obtain the look she's currently wearing. As we watch, I hand her a makeup wipe to remove the Spackle so we can start fresh faced.
I ask her if she brought her products which she did and we start. What people say isn't always what we hear. Jane didn't realise that many terms aren't synonymous. For instance, if you are concealing something, you never get a shade two lighter than your own complexion. You want your complexion and depending on what you are concealing you will have a peach tint if it's a dark spot. The only time you want to get any foundation that is lighter than your skin tone is to HIGHLIGHT!!!! Most people walking around don't need a highlight. If you want your features to stand out, you can play them up but you don't need a highlight to accent your eyes, lips or any feature. Great brows? Leave them alone a la Cara Delivigne. Nice Lips? Exfoliate and moisturise and experiment with lip colours. Nice eyes? Mascara! Nice eyes, no lashes, demi lashes and a kitten flick!
I understand the trends but they are simply that. Trends! The only time contouring and highlighting makes much difference is in photographs or low lights. Having dinner with someone special? Of course the highlight will look major when it's reflecting from candle or dim lights. Taking a head shot? Highlight will look like the sun just kissed you there, but if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to have a face full of streaks.
Take what they say online like you would a rumour. There may be truth to it, but don't count it as fact or a scholarly source depending on the person. There are a lot of things like, "clean up my brow" or "conceal my eye bags with a concealer two shades lighter than my face" You clean your brows when you pluck the hair that's stray or you conceal your bags by using a salmon based concealer and then applying your regular foundation. When a person says anything and it ends with "like a pro" don't be fooled. All the "pros" do things differently and it's based on skin tone, texture, elasticity and purpose. You can watch "How to get a flawless face" all day every day but no one has a flawless face, so if you want a one dimensional face with no textures or tone, be my guest.
Just because people have a large following, does not mean they have what it takes to make you look your best. They don't know your skin, your undertones, your trouble spots so the most they can do is give general direction.
Jane and I spent a long time working on her look. Not because she was in need, I rarely advocate the need for makeup as opposed to the love for experiment. It's not good or healthy to feel one needs makeup to be attractive. Jane simply needed to learn about her face so she could have more knowledge when selecting products to enhance her natural features. Cool undertones with warm makeup shades can make her look dirty. Her hair is too warm for the pink in her porcelain skin so that's the beauty of makeup. You experiment, and by that you learn. What didn't work today, a few tweaks and tomorrow she can wear that colour but effortless is always the goal.
If you have beauty questions, aren't sure about a product, drop me a line, I love to help!!
