Review: MAC Pro Longwear Paint Pot Eclair

I want to toss so much of the makeup that I don't use but keep hoping I will make friends with someone who can use some of the items I don't need. I have been doing makeup long enough to know exactly what items are repurchased on a consistent basis.
I purchased this in spite of my disdain for MAC Cosmetics due to their never ending limited edition frenzies, eBay paydays for greedy people, only to re-promote said item a year later. I love bases and now that there are no more paints or shade sticks, I find myself obsessed with all things cream based for eyeshadow base purposes.

I would not call these primers. I refer to primers as those products designed to prime the eye for eyeshadow wear. In other words, to prevent creasing or fading. Bases are something that I use to make the colour either pop or to modify. Duochrome colors over black bases can create something so beautiful. Sharkskin shade stick and Old Gold pigment is a "prime" example. <~see what I did there.  In all honesty I don't need any of MAC's paint pots. They aren't different enough to warrant spending $20 USD.
Years ago, a great makeup artist told me she stopped buying eye shadows of any shade since she had her basic kit and a 120 palette. "GASP!" Are you kidding me? No more eyeshadow of any kind! Why? Her response? "I have the primary colours and a few others to intensify, mute, or modify what I have. "How many variations of red, yellow, blue, white and black do I need?" It's been nearly seven years and every time I hit enter or swipe my debit card for a purchase, her voice echos in my head. I'm working on following her lead. I'm over watching YouTube, I am done with school, I'm working steady and it's time to start making responsible choices and my makeup is over capacity.
This is a bit deeper than Constructivist

Looks like a cream version of MAC's Bronze eyeshadow
Some people have questioned if this is a duplicate for Constructivist. It's in the same schema; however, it's not a dupe. This is lighter and leans warm. If one wanted to create a dupe, I would think Maybelline Colour Tattoo in "Bad to the Bronze" but again, I'll swatch a host of bronzes to demonstrate the difference when looking at them as side by side comparisons. The difference isn't that great but if you are a connoisseur and want a true "dupe" I don't think I have one which would 
Want to show it on fair skin but :(

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