My Best Friends Wedding!

I am nervous and excited for my bestie Hikmeta. I knew she would eventually marry Mr. Darko, but when he took her to their country of Origin (Serbia Montenegro) I had no idea he would ask her hand in marriage in the presence of their families over dinner in a small, rustic restaurant in Belgrade. Apparently, his great grandparents had owned land where the restaurant stands before the genocide occured. The family literally had nothing when they left and had to start all over when they arrived in the USA. Each time I feel sorry for myself for something as ridiculous as missing out on a limited edition Sleek palette (Acid one) I think of all she and her family have endured since she was a baby and am blessed to call her "friend."
I don't want to sound preachy, but I can't help but include a smidge of her backstory when I speak of her. She is the most inspirational friends I have. What's more, her family accepted me as one of their own which they don't really do much. Her parents speak little English, but they understand my Russian so we work it out. I have never left their home hungry, nor have I ever felt like an outsider when they serve traditional meals, host Serbian parties and I've been to their church a handful of times.
I won't broadcast more about her, as they are quite private and this is my blog and I respect people's privacy, but I am over the moon and want to share it.
She is going to have a traditional wedding and although there is a large Serbian community (thank you Vlade Divac) here, they plan to have it in their country of origin. If any of you are curious or interested in learning a small bit about the Balkans, click here for a simplified version.
As with any culture, the best way to learn is to speak to someone from there. I find you can't always get accurate information on the web, and speaking to people firsthand is always much more interesting.
I love culture and sadly, I don't have the income to travel to so many places God has created. Isn't that just pants? We have this huge world, but we don't get to see all of it and I can't help but feel I'm missing out on some great food, music, style, and of course, MAKEUP!!! I cannot wait to participate in this upcoming wedding. Now that I've blogged about it, I feel I can get back to my regularly scheduled posts. Čestitam Hikmeta! Волим те!

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