MAC Dupe: Mauvement

So, many people are excited about MAC's Feline collection so they can get their hands on the "Mauvement" pigment. I  bought this pigment in my "oh em gee it's MAC so I have to have it hey day" and don't recall ever using it. I do like my NYX piggies so when I rediscovered I had Mauvement, it reminded me of my beloved "Beanie" and this post was born. Enter disclaimer here: I am not a photographer, editor, nor do I blog/swatch/review for a living so admittedly my pictures suck aren't the best, but I try. I don't have Photoshop so I take a lot of shitty photos to give as much information (visually) as possible. end disclaimer. I didn't swatch on my arm because my skin tone is brown and I don't want the colors to reflect inaccuracy due to the base of my skin tone, so I used a white disposable cloth to get the most accurate representation. I included Seclude not because it's a dupe, but it's more on the warm side so if anyone is wanting Mauvement but feels they can't make it work, Seclude may offer an inexpensive alternative.

without flash

natural light

Admittedly it's not an exact dupe, but it's very close.  Beanie has more red and Mauvement pulls more dark brown and Seclude is very brown.
the colors in natural light

 in direct sunlight

with flash and their package

I bought the NYX pigments for $3.99 plus tax each and they are almost half the size of the MAC pigments which are $19.50 plus tax.  The pigments from NYX are very similar to MAC's in that they have that binding feel to them, where other pigments feel like dust and are more finely milled.  I have loads of MAC pigments, but haven't bought any since the repackaging.  It isn't in protest, I just realized I don't use them, and just collect them but now that the packaging is different, it throws me off.  I dunno, but I think this NYX alternative could work if you, like many are pressed for cash.  If you are an avid collector, no amount of swatching or comparisons will change your mind.  I've been there.  Hope this helps!  Stay lovely and as always, I'm here if you need more ♥

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