MAC + Rodarte=$$$
I hate to beat a dead horse, but I just can't sit on this post. I
know we've grown tired of the MAC and Rodarte sisters collaboration, but what irritates me is how some people are being outright ignoramuses about this. I got a tweet stating "No one gave a fat fuck about Juarez until MAC collaborated!" This is presumptuous on this vlogger/guru's part because we don't really know what people support or causes they contribute to very well do we? I care about many issues, but there are far too many to speak on. Right now, I'm lobbying against human trafficking, but does that mean I broadcast this daily? No, but if a collection came out from MAC which had anything remotely to do with human trafficking, I'd be proactive in voicing my concerns.
Another vlogger/guru posted a video stating MAC had not mentioned Juarez in the collection and that people were "overreacting." Normally I let ignorance stay ignorant, but I wrote to her not because she felt this was a "waste of time because people were still going to buy this collection." My issue was that she gave a defeatist impression. If we all shrugged our shoulders because "it wouldn't make a difference" why would we have so many privileges today. In fact, I would still be sitting in the back of the bus and minorities would not be allowed to vote. How stupid can people be? Never encourage people to not take a stand for something they are passionate about. I don't care if it's something I disagree with, make your voice heard. Never let someone else tell you you can't make a difference. Or, that "no one cares what you think."
(Rodarte sisters: We didn't mean any harm $$)
If it meant no difference, why are they sending contributions of $100,000.00 (chump change/write off) ? It's quite simple if you've understood marketing. Now that this collection has been so controversial, the Rodartes get their name out there from someone other than Tavi. Seriously, when was the last time you spoke of them? Exactly! Many people didn't know they were designers, because MAC has done so many collaborations we've grown bored. The collection isn't even interesting if I'm honest.
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Meh..... hmm..... Kitchmas? 1/2 the product at the same price? I get what MAC is doing from a business stand point, but that does not mean I don't find it distasteful. There are so many other methods of getting your name out there. This isn't really necessary and if a vast amount of people are offended, why do it? I am no saint, but I would be hard pressed to capitalize off anything which would offend an oppressed people or make light of a serious situation. What if another company made a collection called "Stonewall?" Would MAC be as non chalant with this all races, colors, ages theory? Of course not, what happened was horrible and gays are still not considered as equals. To close, as I've said before, Si Se Puede! |
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