The important things matter in the end, no? If you sold Mary Kay or Herbal Life, you might allow people to sample your product, but woul...
What you need to know about Product Reviews!
The Beauty Thesis
10:34 PM
I don't get products sent to me for obviously reasons; however, I am a very good judge of products due to the fact I am spending hard ...
Rant: Daytime Emmy's 2014 Debacle
The Beauty Thesis
9:56 AM
Only thing missing is the yellow brick road Advertisers have been using social media to its benefit since they figured out how to reach ...
source google images So last night I pre-empted my weekly hair regime. I made friends! We played Cards of Humanity and I won, first tim...
Social Media: The Dark Side
The Beauty Thesis
3:47 PM
Source The other day I watched an episode of Love and Hip Hop. I don't know which city, but it still haunts me. A woman was discus...