Happy New Year!
Beautiful Cherubs,
I was driving to work this morning listening to people in Australia ring in the New Year. I sat next to a woman on the train, and said "Have a Happy New Year!" to her in Russian. It wasn't to brag about my linguistic/language skill, but I knew how nice it would be to acknowledge the day in her language. So many people are guilty of the me, me and more me thinking. I reckon that's how the world is watching the economy crumble, we have all got so engulfed in our wants and things that please us we rarely think about others.
For today, I make no resolutions other than to be better, do better and live better regardless of what's going on in my life. People will be mean, selfish and even hateful, but let not your heart be troubled. Spend time living life the way felines do. Live a simple life.
In other news, it would be wise to expect MAC to raise their prices as they do every year. Please take note to a very intelligent YouTuber by name of Gossmakeupartist, he is really incredible.

Along with a few others, Urban Decay has launched their Spring 2009 collection, as expected, they keep us bright and daring for the future.
I must catch up on a few things, but I want you to remember today and everyday that you are beautiful, and there is a reason you are on earth, don't let another person steal your joy and like cream, always rise to the top!
Until next year :)
I was driving to work this morning listening to people in Australia ring in the New Year. I sat next to a woman on the train, and said "Have a Happy New Year!" to her in Russian. It wasn't to brag about my linguistic/language skill, but I knew how nice it would be to acknowledge the day in her language. So many people are guilty of the me, me and more me thinking. I reckon that's how the world is watching the economy crumble, we have all got so engulfed in our wants and things that please us we rarely think about others.
For today, I make no resolutions other than to be better, do better and live better regardless of what's going on in my life. People will be mean, selfish and even hateful, but let not your heart be troubled. Spend time living life the way felines do. Live a simple life.
In other news, it would be wise to expect MAC to raise their prices as they do every year. Please take note to a very intelligent YouTuber by name of Gossmakeupartist, he is really incredible.

Along with a few others, Urban Decay has launched their Spring 2009 collection, as expected, they keep us bright and daring for the future.
I must catch up on a few things, but I want you to remember today and everyday that you are beautiful, and there is a reason you are on earth, don't let another person steal your joy and like cream, always rise to the top!
Until next year :)

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