B.P. was ashamadely absent yesterday. I might add that it was due to reasons of my own making. Unfortunately, though I may be old in years, my behavior can be quite juvenile. Spiritually, I think this gal has run her gamut of self destructive behavior. I learn something new about life and myself everyday. Today, I am taking steps to not take myself so serious. I guess I feel I have a lot of "shoulda, woulda, coulda's" and for a woman at my age, I feel I cheated myself out of so much. I do get sad this time of year and I envy people who have a good supportive family. Well, I have to play the hand I was dealt, I have been independent for a long time, and I had no idea how much hurt and anger I carried within. Watching reactions from last night's election results did remind me that ANYTHING is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard enough! Well, I may be one of the oldest makeup gurus on the planet, but I won't let that insecurity keep my talent hidden.
This morning, as I was leaving for work, I attempted to take a photo of me and my little Eli for this blog. Well, dogs are not too keen on having their mum leave let alone posing for a photo. It became frustrating so, rather than be late, I left. Today, I challenge you to do something you fear. We all tend to be in our comfort zones, make a step toward crossing one thing of your bucket list. I believe in you, so you should to. Stay beautiful, xx
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Your turn to sound off, thank you for all comments I learn from them and appreciate your taking the time x