Suck my D*ck!!!

No sleep til....
Adam Yauch gets well soon. I heard the news this morning, but had to marinate in my memories.
The Beastie Boys were the first concert I ever went to, granted I was tagging along with my older brothers as usual, but they were spectacular. I bought a shirt that said "Suck my d*ck!" with my allowance and lied to mumsy and told her it was my brother's when she found it in the laundry. I had been so good about washing it when she wasn't home.
I love them so much, thinking about them with Run DMC during the summer of...well a long time ago. They were the first band (in my era) to bridge the white versus black spectrum in music. Long before the term "wigga" and Eminem was winning blaze battles.
I remember rappin to their CD with my mates knowing all the words line by line to every song. Thank you MCA, MikeD and the King Ad-Rock for the great music and fab concerts. You make me laugh endlessly and that will be the medicine (along with your friendship) that will get you through this tough time. I don't doubt you all have had your fair of hardships unknown to the public, but the public, your fans and God are all on your side. You will get through this, and we will be waiting for your return no matter how long it takes.

B.P. and Co.
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