Sculpting your face

by on 10:30 AM
Hello Beautiful, Happy Friday, we made it *happy dance* to the weekend. I don't know about you lot; however, I have plans to simply rel...

Naked Honey

by on 11:50 AM
Hello Kitties! The week is almost over and I'm ready for the weekend. For some odd reason this week seems to have brought on more drama...

The CW's 90210

by on 12:23 PM
Hello Gorgeous, Hope you had a brilliant weekend, it's been dead crazy here in the USA with the Presidental Inauguration, Martin Luthe...

Secret of the LBD!

by on 1:07 PM
Heya! Happy Friday and three day weekend for some felines. Well, today I had a consult with a woman wanting to go from Matron to Minx f...

Bad Kitty :(

by on 12:23 PM
Hello KitKats! I apologize profusely for my absence. I have been slacking. But, I have loads of news. I may actually be well, no more tal...

For Kittens

by on 1:21 PM
Hiya! Is it Wednesday? I can't keep track of days lately. For some odd reason, I am signing forms dated for the 9th which is Friday a...

Packaging Tips

by on 2:16 PM
Hello Gorgeous, Did you remember to tell yourself how lovely you are? Well, you are! Today, I am plowing through my makeup organization, an...
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