For the Love of ...

Yes, cherubs, more and more felines are falling in love with the immortal blood suckers themselves.
No one claimed the prizes I had posted for this blog, so I made some RAOKs from a forum. In order to send out the items, hair products, makeup, fragrances and skin cream, I had to get some boxes. The weather has been HOT, hot like you want to lock yourself in a freezer and thaw out in October hot. So, I journeyed to two local drugstores to get mailing materials.
I have sworn off buying anything that is not an absolute fundamental necessity so I looked at books. I love to read; however, there aren't many books that interest me. I tried to read Twilight, and I finished it but that was only because I rented the movie and wanted to see what all the hype was about. I'm glad I did because the thing was hysterical! I know it wasn't meant for, but I could not stop laughing because Robert Pattinson *Edward* was so funny.
Bella: "Put on your seat belt"
Edward: rolls his eyes and smirks "You put on your seat belt" shakes his head
How could people take that movie serious. What the heck is a "spider monkey?"
Much to my chagrin, with the exception of silly romance, spirituality and cookbooks, the rest were vampire novels. I was hard pressed to find anything other than a half dozen political books and a few dramas. So, I left sans reading material and bought craft items instead.
What I don't understand is why "Moonlight" was discontinued from the airwaves. Here you had a somewhat good looking tomcat who worked as a private investigator but was really a vampire. Why did that series get cancelled? I can't understand being that so many people seem to have an obsession with vampire love stories.
This series was Edward and Bella as adults and had a good time slot in my area. It followed Ghost Whisperer. It was better than Dollhouse.
Here's to Mick St. John and his obsession with a mortal. I think he was a "vegan" vampire as well.

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