Fall Trends from the Givenchy

Is that really Adriana Lima looking like Marilyn Manson? Wow, who would have thought? At first one is hard pressed to think it has to do with all the fuss about vampires and Twilight. If that is the case, then Edward and Bella had a marked interest in the fall fashion shows in London, Milan and Paris as many models sported dark lips, pale skin and the absence of brows.
Kimmy's artist used the wax you can purchase from theatrical/costume stores to block hers. You can do the same with spirit gum, concealer, glue sticks and by soaping the brow. Soaping the brow consists of taking a bar of soap, rolling a dry brow wand over it and applying the texture over the brows and following it up by using a heavy coverage foundation.
Not to fret my felines of color here's a vamp look which looks great on us.

It's all about thinking outside the box felines, no you don't have to be a supermodel and this isn't an everyday look; however, it can be fun to surprise your mate with a new look every once in a while to spice things up a bit. It also gives you the practice of applying different looks so you feel more comfortable with your makeup artistry applications. Remember, skill can be learned but creativity surrounds us from externally to internally.
Meow for now,

Everyone hates the no eyebrows thing.. but i think its looks quite funky. Yes.. not exactly 'going to the movies' type of gettup.. but still... I like it!