Non-Vlogmas 2014

by on 11:59 PM
The last post I wrote was deeply heartfelt. So, why didn't Blogger for Androids publish it? Hmmmm.....? Whilst everyone is going on abo...

Finally Friday!

by on 12:00 AM
I'm getting through the dark side....*peeks* I just hope the coast is clear and there isn't something ready to run me over. I'm...

Blogmas: Unjust

by on 9:51 PM
Today is hitting me hard. I am really wondering if black lives matter? I want to go, but where? Back to Africa? I was told to go there most...

Blogmas: Gratitude

by on 9:12 PM
What would your tomorrow look like if you only had the things you were thankful for today? I ask myself that and it never fails to remind m...


by on 11:37 PM
In order to change you have to get out of the routine, even if the routine is finding ways to avoid pain. I avoid everything in life to not ...
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