Are you Gifted?

by on 1:03 PM
Hello Kittens, I came up with this topic yesterday sitting in traffic on my way home from work. Lately, I'm really not feeling my job. ...

Leave Susan Alone!!!

by on 12:11 PM
Hello Cherubs, Today many of you, like me, heard about the recent rants from the lovely Susan Boyle. It appears celebrity is having its dow...

White Tigers

by on 1:47 PM
Hello Kittens! Today I'm writing to encourage you to venture to a web zine I stumbled upon. doedeereblogazine while researching a topic...

YouTube Love

by on 3:25 PM
Hey Kittens, I have had a love/unhappy (hate is not healthy)relationship with YouTube and was really, really not feeling some of these ...

Beauty Bites!

by on 12:27 PM
What's your pleasure? or Whatever you decide you cannot beat the deals at right now in terms of making a makeup purc...

Max Factor

by on 2:33 PM
Okay, So I broke my no buy...the girls at makeupalley told me I would, especially if I logged on to the website. Well, I did, no harm no fo...

Brow Envy

by on 12:02 PM
Hello! Lately I've been hearing alot of talk about eyebrows. To wax, pluck, or thread? Are fuller brows "in" this season? Do e...
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