Drab to Fab: Shoe Edition

I get a lot of compliments on my style. To be honest, at times I think they are left handed compliments.  For example, if I had a dollar for every time someone says, "How do you walk in those shoes?" I'd have Warren Buffet beat financially.  Seriously? How do you answer that question?  One foot in front of the other? But, I just smile and keep it moving.  The thing that's most curious is that I don't spend a lot on clothes, shoes or anything of that nature, I'm not a big spender, rather a savvy shopper.  I used to follow a really cool blog and she had so many do it yourself projects I felt it was so cool to take something and make it your own.  I bought these boring shoes at Target for less than $10.00.  They were in the clearance aisle and with some glue, rhinestones, and tape I made them my own.  Here's what I did:

  1. Cleaned the top of the shoes to ensure there was a smooth and clean surface to attach the stones.
  2. Figured out the location I wanted for the stones and marked the location on the shoe. 
  3. Applied glue to the surface of the shoe and attached the rhinestones for about an hour.
  4. Took some tape and placed it over the rhinestones to ensure they dried without slipping or losing the pressure needed to hold the gems in place. 
So we take this:

 And turn it to this:

The ugly shoes that looked plain and ordinary have become the beautiful swan.

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