Hair Story

Hello Gorgeous!
This is a post I had to get off my back, no pun intended. YES YOU CAN have long, afro textured, and relaxed hair. I have enclosed a photo so we women can get out of the mindset you have to be born with "good" hair or 3b/c and not 4b/c texture for it to grow! It's not true. I relax my hair, and it doesn't take much to grow it and keep it healthy. I took the photo out of the shower and my hair is still wet, but that's because I was heavy hearted about this and I don't wear it down often as I am in a hair rut. It takes a lot of work to style, maintain, and protect, so I feel like wearing it up is much more realistic being that I work full time, go to school full time and do makeup as well as try to have a life.
So, that off my chest, don't let anyone tell you what is or is not possible. I never thought I had hair that would grow, my mum did not know what we know about taking care of our hair and now that I have grown it, I can move on to another challenge which is getting in shape before summer.

Meow for now,


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Your turn to sound off, thank you for all comments I learn from them and appreciate your taking the time x